Rules & Safety Guidelines

In The Barn

  1. Be respectful. No cheating, stealing, fighting, bullying, gossip or bad behavior will be tolerated.
  2. Do not run, scream or make sudden movements in the barn or near a horse in the arena.
  3. An ASTM/SEI certified helmet must be worn at all times when mounted. No exceptions, no bike helmets.
  4. No smoking, drinking or illegal substances,  weapons or firearms.
  5. Minors under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
  6. Don’t use something that doesn’t belong to you without permission from the owner.
  7. Don’t leave your horse unattended in the wash stall or center aisle.
  8. Pick up after yourself, don’t leave trash behind.
  9. Put things back where you found them.
  10. Leave gates and doors the way you found them.
  11. Turn off lights when you’re done using them.
  12. Don’t leave the water running when you’re done using it.
  13. Only use a slip knot, cross-ties or break away ties to restrain a horse.
  14. No dogs off leash.

Riding Lessons & Practice Rides

  1. You may only ride your designated horse.
  2. Only use the tack that belongs to your horse. If your tack is missing or not available ask for help.
  3. At the arena, while you wait for the instructor to arrive:
    1. Beginner lessons – hold your horse, do not mount.
    2. Intermediate lessons – mount and walk your horse to warm up.
    3. Advanced lessons – mount and walk/trot your horse to warm up.
  4. Clean your tack with saddle soap and put it away when you’re done with it.
  5. If your horse had a blanket or fly mask on, put it back on before returning it to its stall or pasture.
  6. Please ask before feeding a horse anything other than carrots, apples, peppermints or commercial horse treats.

In The Arena

  1. Keep the gate closed while someone is riding in the arena.
  2. Watch out for other riders in the arena.
  3. Call inside or outside as you pass another rider.
  4. If you knock jumps down put them back up before you leave.
  5. Please ask before re-arranging jumps or obstacles.

Safety Guidelines

  1. Follow all instructions given by White Oak Stables staff and instructors.
  2. Do not walk directly behind a horse.
  3. Do not stand directly in front a horse.
  4. Watch your toes as a horse walks by, keep them parallel to the horse if you are standing near them.
  5. Keep your hand flat and your thumb tight against your palm while you feed a horse treats.
  6. Do not enter or open a pasture or stall without permission.
  7. Do not tie or wrap a lead rope around your hand, arm, or leg.
  8. Do not tie a horse by it’s bridle.
  9. No open toed shoes, crocs or flip flops in the barn.
  10. Be aware of other people and horses entering or exiting the arena. Please refrain from entering or exiting the arena if a horse in the arena is near the gate.
  11. Keep non-rider play and activities to the designated areas.