At White Oak Stables we strive to have a fun, relaxed, inclusive and diverse environment. We want to open up horseback riding to people from all walks of life. Here we hope to change that by making the sport more accessible for people from all different communities, ethnicities and backgrounds.
About Our Diversity Program
Starting in 2020, we are committed to raising awareness and helping provide access to horseback riding for African Americans, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics. We also feel strongly that equestrian sports should be inclusive and supportive of other under-represented groups such as plus-sized, neuro-divergent, foster youth, and LGBTQ riders.
Social Outreach
It’s important for people in minority and under-represented communities to know that horseback riding is an option for them. Raising awareness of the sport, making it more affordable, and providing inclusive opportunities, is pivotal to increasing diversity in the equestrian community.
Diversity Awareness
While minority and under-represented communities need to be aware of horseback riding as an option, existing farms and clubs, and programs also need to understand how and why these groups are often excluded from the sport. We strive to promote diversity awareness in predominantly non-diverse farms, clubs, clinics, and events and encourage them to create their own diversity programs.
Free Educational Resources
We strive to provide a wealth of free horse-related educational resources for anyone who is interested in horses that also raises diversity awareness issues. These resources are available for schools, riding clubs, libraries, and anyone else who would like to use or share them. A link back to this page is all the thanks we need.
Comic – Micro-Aggressions
Brands – We Deserve Better
Rider Medals Program – Worksheets, Lesson Plans, Quizzes & More
Speaking Engagements
Greta Krafsig, the owner of White Oak Stables, is available for speaking engagements to talk about what it’s like to be Black in the horseback riding community and give insights on how to face issues of racism and exclusion head-on. She can share a wealth of knowledge with farm owners, riding students, and riding clubs of all backgrounds on how the industry can better support minorities and under-represented riders.
Affordable & Inclusive Access
White Oak Stables commits to provide affordable riding lessons and access to shows, clinics, and events in a safe, diverse and inclusive environment.
Horseback Riding Diversity Funding
Access to horses is important, and socio-economic differences in minority and under-represented communities often make the sport inaccessible. To help combat this problem in 2020, we started a funding program for minority and under-represented riders to help them with riding lessons and show fees. You must be a US citizen to apply. If you are interested in contributing to any of these funds, please contact us.

Bucket, hoof pick, hard brush, mane comb, hoof pick, curry comb, horse treats, helmet cover, polo wraps, bath sponge, two tack sponges, saddle pad
Show Division Sponsorship Fund
Minority and under-represented riders ages 4+ can apply for White Oak Stables to sponsor them in a show division of a recognized horse show anywhere in the United States. This sponsorship will cover their division fees and horse entry fees. Sponsored riders will receive an embroidered saddle pad, grooming bucket, horse treats, helmet cover, and polo wraps. You must use our saddle pad while riding in your sponsored division. Interested? Apply today!
Horseback Riding Scholarship Fund
All riders age 8+ can apply for a horseback riding lesson scholarship. This will include a free weekly lesson (weather permitting) at White Oak Stables from May – September. Applications are due every year by April 25th and winners are announced May 1st. Interested? Apply today!
Working Student Fund
Minority and under-represented riders 16+ can apply to be a working student at White Oak Stables. For every three days of doing barn-related chores at White Oak Stables (mucking, grooming, feeding, blanketing, turn in/out) they will receive a free private lesson. Must have transportation. Interested? Apply Today!