Horse Skeleton Activity Pages

Teaching your students horse skeleton anatomy has never been easier! This collection of worksheets is designed for a wide range of students ages and knowledge and covers 31 different bones in the horse’s skeleton. Purchase each activity page individually for $1 or get the whole bundle for a great discount of only $5!

Coloring Page – Great for students who are just starting out learning the skeleton of the horse. This worksheet asks them to color each part and then answer some simple questions about what they see in the picture.

Coloring Page (Fill In the Blanks) – This requires students to look up each of the different labeled parts of the horse and write the name on the blanks below. Then, the student will self-correct themselves by coloring the parts of the horse they named correctly green and the ones they got incorrectly red. An answer key is included.

Crossword Puzzle (Hard) – Students will look at the picture of the horse skeleton and write the names of each part into the matching numbers on the crossword puzzle. We recommend this for students who already are familiar with the parts of the skeleton. An answer key is included.

Crossword Puzzle (Medium) – This includes a picture of the horse’s skeleton and then provides the definitions for as clues to fill in the cross-word puzzle. This is great for students introduced to the parts of the skeleton but still need more work identifying or naming them. An answer key is included.

Word Search (Easy) – This includes a list of 31 different parts of the horse’s skeleton that the student needs to find in the word search. This is a great way to introduce students to the parts of the horse skeleton and help them memorize and spell their names. An answer key is included.

Word Search (Medium) – This includes a picture of the skeleton of the horse that students will use to find the words in the word search. Students should already be familiar with the parts of the horse’s skeleton. An answer key is included.

Word Search (Hard) – This includes the definitions of the skeleton of the horse that students will use to find the words in the word search. Students should be familiar with the parts of the horse’s skeleton and their definitions. An answer key is included.

Fill In the Numbers – This includes a picture of the horse skeleton with all of the parts numbered. Below is a list of all the parts of the horse. The student will need to match the numbers to the names of the horse’s skeleton. This is great for students who are still learning the parts of the horse skeleton. An answer key is included.

Fill In the Blanks (No Coloring) – This requires students to look up each of the different labeled parts of the horse and write the name on the blanks below. The numbers for this fill in the blanks does not match the coloring page fill in the blanks, making this an excellent way to test what the student has learned from their own self-correction in the coloring page. An answer key is included.

Definition Word Match – Students will draw a line from the part of the horse’s skeleton to the definition. This is a great way to reinforce their learning for the names of the bones and how to define them. This is not an easy worksheet. We recommend it for students who have some knowledge of the horse’s skeleton already. An answer key is included.

Flash Cards – A 3×3 grid with the names of the parts of the horse skeleton and their definitions. This is a great way for students to practice on their own, matching the names and how to define them. It includes six blank flash cards in the set so you can create your own custom definitions. For best results, print these double sided.

Full Bundle – get these great worksheets for one easy, low payment! It includes all the worksheets with answer keys for everything above in a single download file.

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